~It's me the guy~

I'm Troy

This is a website about me and the stuff I do

Switch to sterile mode (Linktree)

Neocities profile

I make things and put them on the internet. This site will one day be a full listing of all of the things I've done. To see a collection of all the things I've worked on since forever, check out the "projects" link on the left there (under construction).

Otherwise, I'm just goofing off. I'm very nostalgic for the old web and like going back to that time, y'know?


-Squad of Friends updated

Older updates

-Neocities profile link added

-FAQ added

-Made the older updates take up less space
-Added store link to the left nav bar. Opens in new tab. Convenient!
-Added a guestbook button. Sign that thing!

-Squad of Friends updated and fully migrated to Neocities
-Added actual links to the links page
-Proper placeholder added to projects page (that's hard to say out loud)

8/14: Squad of Friends link added

8/3: Back at it again! Nav links on left now work (the pages they go to are still placeholders for now). Changed background to grey. Might keep it? I kinda like it. Added "Sterile mode" link which goes to my Linktree. One day I hope this will be more extensive than even Linktree.

1/4: Happy new year! Still working on this, so stay tuned!

12/8: Moved updates to center - Fixed lil dancing guy placement

11/27: Removed heading from top - added ??? link - Added history placeholder link


The current mood of jtroyw at www.imood.com

Current hyperfixation: Adding things to this site

Last Updated: